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This is an odd question, but I was hoping to hear from anyone whose child had a concussion at a young age (below age 6 or so) and is now an adolescent, teenager, or young adult. (Or, if you yourself had a concussion at a young age, that would be helpful too.) Specifically, I'm hoping to hear:

Know your audience. When you are planning your kids party games,christian louboutin sale, first consider the age of the children who will be playing. You want to make sure it is age-appropriate; if you have a wide range of ages attending your party, make sure even the youngest kids will be able to participate. Also take into account the number of children who will be at the party; with a small group, you can play almost anything. If you have a large party, games that everyone can play at the same time are better than those where kids have to take turns. Consider musical chairs, relay races, treasure hunts or other active games like balloon stomp. Older kids can be sent on scavenger hunts and can play dance move games.

I'm a living testimony of this. Our daughter is3 years old and we don't use any specific medical/hormonal form of birth control and we still have not had another one (kid) . We have not wanted to do so either. There are other things that need immediate attention in our household. God sees that. It's that huge of thing in my household. That's why something so personal as this (having another child) I or nobody else can really tell you what's in store for you. Dh and I use NFP. Our last child was a huge surprise, and we're trying to be super careful now. For us,red bottom shoes, we believe that any sexual activity that doesn't end with him "finishing" in my vagina is sinful (I know not all Christians believe this, and I'm not trying to start a debate, just trying to give the OP an idea where we're coming from), so that means no "extra" activities during the fertile period. We have been struggling so hard with this. I keep praying for God to tell me if we should be open to another child, because we seriously have never had this kind of problem before (never had trouble abstaining when we were really trying to avoid). Logically,red bottoms, it seems totally not a good idea to get pregnant, but we keep falling into sin "avoiding" it. I'd pray something like "Your Will be done", and ask that God make a way for you to provide for any child He blesses you with (because, like a pp stated, children are always blessing). If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Please review the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use before using this site.

